Frequently Asked Questions

What do patients typically see you for?

The most common reasons women seek care from Kathy are to address specific problems like issues relating to periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), recurrent vaginitis, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in addition to preconception planning to optimize fertility, yearly gynecologic exams with pap smear & mammogram order, and ways to counter the negative effects of hormonal birth control.

Do you accept insurance?

Woman Wise Integrative Gynecology is only able to provide the personalized care we do by allowing plenty of time to focus on you. This type of care is not possible in a typical 20 minute gynecologic visit with traditional gynecology practices that accept insurance upfront.  Appointment fees are reimbursable by your insurance plan as an “out of network” provider and are often Flexible Spending Account (FSA) eligible. You will be provided a detailed summary form with diagnostic and procedure codes to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, based on your plan specifics. Payment is taken at the time of your appointment in the form of credit cards, Venmo, and Zelle.

What are your fees?

Due to the fact that every woman has different goals and needs with regard to her appointment, Kathy allots a specific amount of time for every new and follow up patient appointments and charges by the hour. This allows the time and flexibility to address the concerns of most importance to each woman. When an appointment is booked, you will be asked to provide the primary reason for coming in (Annual Exam, Preconception, Problem-please specify).  All new patient appointments are provided 2 hours and typically require 1.5-2 hours, depending on the reason for the appointment and level of complexity. Follow up appointments typically last 30-60 minutes. All visits are billed at $250 per hour and prorated in 15 minute increments. Included in this fee is the time Kathy spends prior to your visit reviewing your health intake form and Diet assessment, the physical time spent together, and the post visit ordering of labs, imaging, referrals, and creation of your written treatment plan.


Do you test for sexually transmitted infections?

Yes, we collect vaginal swabs in the office for things like Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Trichomoniasis. You will be provided with orders for tests that require blood work (ex. HIV, Syphilis, Herpes, Hepatitis) to be performed at common lab stations like Quest.

Are you anti-prescription medication?

Not at all!  There are many instances where prescripton medications are necessary,  as a part of a broader plan of patient care. Sometimes, there are disease processes that are dangerous and for patient safety, must be addressesd the fastest way possible, and that is often using medication. However, many times the situation is not dire and medications are jumped to as the first and only treatment option.  Even if you are already on pharmaceutical medications, we can work to restore you health while you stay on them.  Hopefully, in time you may be able to decrease doses or completely wean off of them.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

The best way to get the most out of your appointment is to take your time completing the new patient intake form. Kathy will send you this once your appointment is booked.  This provides her with key insight into the “why” behind your problems.  Inlcuded in your appointment fee includes the time she spends reviewing your intake form in advance and preparing. Please complete and submit this as soon as your receive it, but no later than 1 week prior to your appointment.

Do you prescribe prescription medications?

Yes, when necessary. In general, integrative treatment options take more time to work than pharmaceuticals. Depending on your reason for seeking care, sometimes we prescribe medication to alleviate severe symptoms, which provides you with quick relief while allowing time for supplements, herbs, diet, and other treatment modalities to take effect.

Do you prescribe birth control?

Yes, but only after thorough discussion and counseling of risks and ways to minimize those risks.

Do you order lab work?

Kathy work’s with traditional labs like Quest to check basic health markers and some hormone levels. Sometimes recommended testing is performed by specialized functional medicine laboratories. When it comes to certain hormones, blood samples are not accurate or enough to provide a true picture of what is going on in your body. In order to see the whole picture, the D.U.TC.H test by Precision Analytical is used. The health of your gastrointestinal track plays a major role in hormonal health and therefore testing to evaluate its health is an important part of looking for root causes. Stool testing is often used to assess common digestive markers, determine if you have leaky gut, a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria, and fungal, bacterial, or parasitic overgrowth. If we decide to run those labs, you will be provided the test kit and cost information at your appointment or it will be ordered and mailed to you. These may be covered by your insurance, depending on your plan, and are often FSA eligible.

What is the D.U.T.C.H. test?

D.U.T.C.H. stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. When it comes to certain hormones, blood samples alone are not always accurate or enough to provide a true picture of what is going on in your body. In order to see the whole picture, the D.U.TC.H test by Precision Analytical is used. The 9 hormones it tests are Cortisol, Cortisone, Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, and Melatonin. It provides detailed information about their levels, whether the balance of Estrogen and Progesterone is shifted to Estrogen dominance causing unwanted side effects, if your body is breaking down Estrogen and Testosterone in a healthy manner, and whether high levels of stress hormones are a main factor contributing to sleep problems, fatigue, and period problems. With this key information, Kathy can more accurately tailor a plan to address your specific symptoms at the source.

How do I know this type of care is right for me?

The integrative approach to health is most beneficial to women and girls who have struggled with female issues and found traditional pharmaceutical medications did not help them recover their vitality.  For some patients, their main goal in seeing Kathy is to understand what is happening in their body and the causes of it, but for most they seek this in addition to feeling better.  If your goal is to start the process to feel better, this care is well suited for those whom are motivated enough by their health challenges that they are ready to commit to making lifestyle changes.

While many recommended lifestyle changes will not cost money, initially supplements and herbal prescriptions are often necessary to correct long standing nutrient deficiencies, help support detoxification, decrease inflammation, lower pain, balance hormones, and support the stress response.  These supplements are not covered by insurance, but may be eligible for flexible spending account funds.  To assist with this cost, Kathy has created online supplement dispensaries which enable her patients to make use of her practitioner discount of 35% off list price. Ideally, once the body begins to shift to a healthier state, diet will be the primary mode of maintaining body balance.

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