What is Integrative Gynecology?


Integrative gynecology is a step wise approach to addressing hormonal issues that begins with identifying the root causes of your imbalances and then starting with treatment options that are natural, non-invasive, safe, and with minimal to no side effects. It includes many healing modalities:


Customized nutritional plan


Sleep prescription


Medicinal Supplements including herbal formulas, vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, and standard medications when necessary


Manual Therapies such as pelvic floor physical therapy, therapeutic massage, chiropractic care, myofascial release, and acupuncture


Exercise & movement recommendations


Supportive therapies such as castor oil packs, vaginal steaming, & mind/body activities

These can be done alone or initially in combination with traditional medical treatments, depending on the severity of the problem. This method reserves stronger pharmaceuticals and surgical treatments as a last resort.

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Woman Wise Integrative Gynecology Logo

Why is an Integrative Approach to Gynecology Important?

The Functional Medicine Tree

Your body is like a tree that relies on a solid foundation of nurturing roots to function properly. When the roots are healthy, they can pull nutrients from the soil creating a strong base to grow beautiful leaves and fruit. If the roots have access to rich soil, the tree thrives, however, if the soil is depleted of nutrients, the roots become weak and the tree will wither and may not thrive to bear healthy leaves or fruit.

Think of your period & hormonal symptoms as leaves of a tree and the causes of those symptoms, as the roots & soil. Every woman has her own root causes, but they are often a combination of genetics, lifestyle choices, cellular dysfunction, infections, environmental toxins, stress, poor digestion, lack of proper sleep, and nutritional deficiencies.

In order to heal, we must look below the surface symptoms and address the often overlooked root causes that are the foundation on which your health and hormones are built. When you address the roots, everything else gets better!  No prescription medication can heal roots, only cover symptoms.  The longer the cover up goes on, the harder it will be to recover your health.

Tree represents how our body is like a tree that relies on a solid foundation of nurturing roots to function properly.